Directory of Faculty


Abbate, Maureen E. Professor, English
BA, MAT, Rhode Island College

Adam, Mazin S. Professor, Art
BFA, Northrn Michigan University;
MFA, Rochester Inst Tech

Amante y Zapata, Joseph J. Professor, Performing Arts
PhD, Univ Southern California;
BA, Point Loma Nazarene University;
MA, New England Conservatory Music

Amantea, Cheryl A. Assistant Professor, Business & Professional Std
BS, Johnson & Wales University;
MBA, Providence College

Amato-Vealey, Elaine J. Professor, Nursing ADN
PhD, Univ Rhode Island;
AS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Rhode Island College;
MS, Boston University

Amore, Anthony R. Associate Professor, English
BA, Rhode Island College;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Anderson, Renee M. Assistant Professor, English
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MAT, Rhode Island College

Andreozzi-Fontaine, Lynne Professor, Psychology
PhD, MA, Univ Rhode Island;
BA, Boston University

Angell, Robert C. Assistant Professor, English
BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island

Ankrom, Raymond J. Technical Professor I, Physics & Engineering
AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Rhode Island College

Araujo, Jessica Assistant Professor, English
BA, BA, MA, MFA, William Paterson Univ

Archambault, Richard C. Professor, Human Services
BA, MS, Univ Rhode Island;
EDD, Univ Mass Boston

Arendt, Elizabeth A. Professor, Chemistry
PhD, Brown University;
BS, Providence College

Ashworth, Donna L. Professor, Nursing ADN
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Austin, James F. Associate Professor, Library
BFA, Rhode Island College;
MLIS, Univ Rhode Island


Banna, Cynthia L. Associate Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Phlebot
AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, Rhode Island College;
MED, Providence College

Basilico, Anthony D. Professor, Computer Studies
BS, MA, MBA, Univ Rhode Island

Benson, Jon R. Assistant Professor, Biology
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Beseme-Johnson, Sarah Assistant Professor, Biology
PhD, BS, MS, Unv Claude Bernard Lyon

Bhasin, Neeta Assistant Professor, English
PhD, MA, Carnegie Mellon University;
BA, Mount Holyoke College;
MA, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh*

Billerbeck, Jean M. Professor, Biology
PhD, Suny Center Stony Brook;
BS, Univ Maryland College Park*

Blessing, Kathy M. Professor, Library
BA, Rhode Island College;
MA, Providence College;
MLS, Univ Rhode Island

Brewer, Cassandra M. Professor, Mathematics
BA, MA, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Brilliant, Danielle M. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
ASN, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Rhode Island College;
MN, Sacred Heart University

Britton, Brendan M. Professor, Physics & Engineering
BS, Univ Arizona;
MA, Boston University

Bull, Michelle M. Associate Professor, Nursing ADN
DNP, Rhode Island College;
BSN, Univ Rhode Island;
MSN, Sacred Heart University

Burdon, Michael P. Professor, English
BS, Univ Rhode Island;
MFA, Emerson College

Burke, Margaret S. Professor, Computer Studies
BS, Univ Mass Dartmouth;
SC.M, Brown University

Burns, Emily Professor, Physics & Engineering
PhD, Univ Rhode Island;
BA, Hampshire College;
MS, Univ Calif Davis

Buss, Thomas H. Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BA, Providence College;
MS, Univ Rhode Island


Calpa, Jessica M. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
BA, BSN, Univ Connecticut;
MSN, Chamberlain Unv.

Cardillo, Paula A. Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/DMSD
BA, Rhode Island College;
MS, Lesley University;
EDD, Capella University

Carroll, Joseph R. Professor, English
PhD, MA, Univ Connecticut;
BA, Rhode Island College

Carruba, Chris L. Assistant Professor, Physics & Engineering
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Carson, Brea Assistant Professor, Nursing LPN
BSN, Univ Rhode Island;
MSN, Southern NH University

Chaves, Amy L. Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Resp Ther
AA, AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Roger Williams University;
MAE, Rhode Island College

Cichon, Sarah O. Assistant Professor, Computer Studies
BSBA, Bryant University;
MAT, Johnson & Wales University

Clare, Joshua R. Assistant Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Physi Ther
BS, DPT, Univ Rhode Island

Clement, Theodore R. Professor, Performing Arts
BFA, Salem State College;
MFA, The New School

Cobb, Regina M. Associate Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Thera Masg
BS, Long Island Univ Brookville;
MS, Simmons College

Coclin, Maria Associate Professor, Business & Professional Std
BS, Boston College;
MBA, Univ Rhode Island

Cole, John W. Professor, English
BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island;
MAT, Rhode Island College

Coletta, Natalie L. Professor, Art
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, Univ Mass Amherst*

Collins, John F. Professor, Library
BS, Roger Williams University;
MLS, Univ Rhode Island

Connell, Margaret M. Professor, English
BA, Mcgill University;
MAE, Rhode Island College

Corry, Karen F. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
BS, Rhode Island College;
MS, Univ Rhode Island

Costa, Mary H. Assistant Professor, Nursing LPN
BSN, MSN, Univ Rhode Island

Couture, Melinda M. Professor, Mathematics
BA, MA, Rhode Island College

Cox, Brianna J. Assistant Professor, Communication & Media
BA, Brown University;
MFA, Emerson College

Crawford, Kevin P. Technical Professor I, Computer Studies
AS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Rhode Island College

Crowley, Joseph W. Professor, Mathematics
BA, MAT, Rhode Island College

Cummiskey, Emily C. Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, MS, Univ Rhode Island


D'Souza, Alwyn F. Professor, Physics & Engineering
BS, MS, Bombay University;
MS, Wichita State University

DaCosta, Elizabeth Professor, Mathematics
AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, Rhode Island College;
MAT, Providence College

Dalessio, William R. Associate Professor, English
PhD, MA, Univ Connecticut;
BA, Rhode Island College

Dan, Liliana Professor, Mathematics
BA, MA, Transylvania University;
MA, Providence College

DeCoffe, Jean M. Professor, Nursing ADN
BS, MS, Salve Regina University;
MS, Boston College

Delaney, Kelly M. Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, BA, MA, Univ Connecticut;
MS, Univ Bridgeport

DePalma, Sharon A. Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, Providence College

Dickerson, Stephanie R. Assistant Professor, English
PhD, Univ Buffalo;
BA, MS, St John Fisher College;
MA, Syracuse University

Dolan, Leslie J. Associate Professor, English
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MAE, Rhode Island College

Domenico, Paula A. Assistant Professor, English
BS, Univ Rhode Island;
EDM, Rhode Island College

Doran, Gerald T. Professor, English
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
EDM, Rhode Island College;
JD, Suffolk University

Dorn, Jonathan A. Assistant Professor, Communication & Media
BA, Skidmore College;
MFA, Emerson College

Duah, Ebenezer Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, Univ Akron;
BA, MA, Unv. Cape Coast

Dummer Foley, Kristin E. Assistant Professor, Communication & Media
BS, EDM, Boston University

Dzialo, Stephanie Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, Regis College Ma;
MSN, Walden University


Egan-Kunicki, Justine N. Associate Professor, Psychology
PhD, BA, BS, MA, Univ Rhode Island

Ellaboudy, Shereef A. Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, MA, Claremont Mckenna College;
BA, California American Univ;
MA, Calif St Univ Los Angeles

Ellsworth, Kristen A. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, MSN, Univ Rhode Island

England, Mark Associate Professor, Business & Professional Std
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MS, Salve Regina University

Every, John A. Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, Boston College;
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, Univ Connecticut


Fanning, Leslie C. Assistant Professor, Human Services
BA, MED, Univ New Hampshire Durham

Faulise, Maura C. Associate Professor, English
AA, Three Rivers Cmty College;
BA, Mount Holyoke College;
MAT, Brown University

Felci, Julie M. Assistant Professor, World Languages & Cultures
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, Rhode Island College;
MA, Middlebury College

Ferro, Kristine L. Assistant Professor, Nursing LPN
ASN, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Salve Regina University;
MSN, Univ Rhode Island

Fontaine, Kevin D. Associate Professor, Psychology
PhD, Univ Connecticut;
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, CAGS, Rhode Island College

Fontes, Donald S. Professor, Biology
BA, Rhode Island College;
MS, Suny Center Stony Brook

Fox, Christine M. Professor, English
PhD, Univ Rhode Island;
BA, Stonehill College;
MA, Northestrn University

Friel, Kerri H. Professor, Dental Health/Dental Assist
BS, MA, Univ Rhode Island

Furtado, Lisa M. Assistant Professor, Nursing LPN
BSN, Rhode Island College;
MSN, Univ Rhode Island


Gaboury, Renee J. Associate Professor, English
AS, AS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Rhode Island College;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Gadoury, Linda L. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Gaiser, Veronica M. Assistant Professor, Dental Health/Dental Assist
DMD, Univ Pennsylvania Dental Med;
BA, Rutgers U Rutgers College*

Gallagher, Kathleen A. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, Univ Rhode Island;
MN, Univ Phoenix

Galleshaw, Julie A. Professor, Dental Health/Hygiene
BS, EDM, Rhode Island College;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Gatewood, Linda A. Associate Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Occup Ther
BS, Univ New England;
MA.ED, Univ Rhode Island

Gelsomino, Julie S. Associate Professor, Mathematics
BA, Rhode Island College;
MA, Providence College

Gemma, Kathleen M. Instructor, Allied/Rehab Health/SurgTech
AS, New England Institute Tech RI

Germano, Kerri A. Associate Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Radiog
AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Johnson & Wales University;
MED, American Intercontinental Univ

Godo-Solo, Hossiri H. Professor, World Languages & Cultures
PhD, Vanderbilt University;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Goffe, Eylana G. Professor, Biology
PhD, MA, Univ Chicago;
BS, Univ Rhode Island

Gomes, Helen E. Professor, Nursing LPN
ASN, Community C Rhode Island;
BSN, MN, Univ Rhode Island

Gomes, Nilton X. Assistant Professor, English
BSED, MA, Bridgewater St University

Goodman, Andrew L. Assistant Professor, Art
BA, Univ Southern Maine;
MA, MFA, Maryland College Art Design

Gousie, Alan R. Professor, English
BA, MA, Rhode Island College;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Grammas, Dean G. Assistant Professor, Computer Studies
MSE, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park;
BS, Univ Rhode Island

Grande, Debra L. Assistant Professor, Computer Studies
BA, Rhode Island College;
MBA, Bryant University

Griscom, Karen L. Professor, English
BA, Southrn Oregon University;
MA, Rutgers U Rutgers College*

Grist, Candace L. Professor, Business & Professional Std
AS, BS, Johnson & Wales University;
MA, Ball State University;
MAT, Rhode Island College

Guindon-Nasir, Jill Assistant Professor, Business & Professional Std
MS.ED., EDD, Univ Pennsylvania Undrgrd Adm*;
BS, Johnson & Wales University;
MBA, Marymount University


Hallene, Pamela A. Professor, English
BA, BS, EDM, Rhode Island College

Hannon, Lauren E. Assistant Professor, Biology
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MS, Boston University

Harrison, Katharine V. Associate Professor, Biology
BS, Boston College;
MACOM, NE School of Accupunture;
MS, Univ Rhode Island

Hart, Roger M. Assistant Professor, Physics & Engineering
BS, Univ Mass Amherst*;
MS, Univ Rhode Island

Hartshorn, Mark P. Professor, Art
BFA, MFA, Art Institute Boston

Hassoun, Linda Professor, Human Services
BS, MS, Southern NH University

Hastings, Carlton R. Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
BA, Indiana Univ Pennsylvania;
MA, Northestrn Illinois University;
MA, Univ Nebraska Lincoln*

Henry, Heidi P. Associate Professor, English
BA, Univ Connecticut;
MA, Rhode Island College

Hofman, Maria I. Assistant Professor, World Languages & Cultures
M PHIL, Univ Oslo;
BA, Inst. Pedagogico Nac. Mont.;
BA, U. Nac Mayor de San Marcos;
MA, Unv. de Jaen;
MA, Unv. de Leon

Hogan, Kristen A. Associate Professor, Mathematics
BA, BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, Rhode Island College

Holcomb, Kathleen L. Associate Professor, Library
BA, State Univ Of West Georgia;
MLS, Valdosta State University

Holzmeister, Francislley S. Assistant Professor, Mathematics
AS, Middlesex Cmty College Ma;
BA, MS, Univ Mass Lowell


Igliozzi, David V. Professor, Business & Professional Std
BA, Rhode Island College;
JD, Washburn University


Jackson, Kim Y. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
AA, ASN, Community C Rhode Island;
MSN, Walden University

Jackson, Lynn G. Associate Professor, Human Services
BS, Ithaca College;
MS, Simmons College;
EDD, Florida Atlantic University

James, Eileen M. Associate Professor, English
BA, Rhode Island College;
MFA, Brown University

Jensen, Heidi J. Assistant Professor, Art
BFA, Univ Minnesota Duluth;
MFA, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hl

Johnson, Cynthia J. Associate Professor, Dental Health/Hygiene
AS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, MA, Univ Rhode Island

Johnson, William C. Professor, Biology
PhD, BS, Univ Rhode Island

Josephs, Maddie M. Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/MLT
BS, Salve Regina University;
MS, Univ Rhode Island


Kaiser, Audrey K. Professor, Performing Arts
PhD, Univ Kentucky Lexington*;
BA, Rhode Island College;
MA, Marshall University

Kappler, Kathleen Professor, Nursing ADN
BS, MS, Northestrn University

Kasher, Lori B. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
DNP, Rhode Island College;
BSN, Univ Cincinnati;
MS, Northestrn University

Kell, Charles R. Assistant Professor, English
PhD, Univ Rhode Island;
BA, Kent State Univ Kent;
MA, Univ Toledo

Kelley, Alison B. Associate Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, Univ Connecticut;
MN, Sacred Heart University

Kelling, Patricia A. Associate Professor, Nursing LPN
AA, Cmty Coll Rhode Island Knight;
BSN, Rhode Island College;
MSN, Walden University

Kelly, Michael J. Assistant Professor, Computer Studies
BA, Univ Notre Dame;
MBA, Univ Rhode Island

Khalil, Ali Assistant Professor, English
BA, Tishreen University;
MA, Arkansas State Univ St Univ

Kilduff, Raymond A. Professor, Psychology
PhD, MA, Univ Rhode Island;
BA, Rhode Island College

Kilduff, Robert T. Associate Professor, Mathematics
BA, MAT, Providence College

Killgore, Leslie M. Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, MA, Brown University;
BS, Trinity College Vt

Kinsella, Janie L. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
ASN, Massasoit Cmty College;
BSN, Univ Rhode Island;
MSN, Chamberlain Unv.

Kitzmiller, Mary K. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
ASN, El Camino College;
BSN, Univ Phoenix;
MSN, Calif St Univ Dominguez Hills

Knibb, Jana N. Associate Professor, Social Sciences
BA, MA, Florida Atlantic University

Kortz, Karen M. Professor, Physics & Engineering
PhD, Univ Rhode Island;
BA, Pomona College;
MS, Brown University

Korzeniowski, Kelly A. Assistant Professor, Physics & Engineering
PhD, SC.M, Brown University;
BS, Univ Rhode Island

Korzeniowski, Shannon Associate Professor, Nursing LPN
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BSN, Rhode Island College;
MSN, Walden University

Koyame-Marsh, Rita O. Associate Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, MS, Univ Illinois Urbana*;
BS, University of Kinshasa

Kurzbach, Michelle Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
ASN, Community C Rhode Island;
BSN, MSN, Rhode Island College


Lacerda, Kellie F. Assistant Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Resp Ther
AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Univ Rhode Island;
MS, Boise State University

Lajoie, Stephen H. Professor, Performing Arts
PhD, New York University;
BA, Univ Mass Amherst*;
MA, Univ Miami

Lally, Melanie S. Associate Professor, Nursing ADN
BS, Univ Mass Lowell;
MS, Oregon Health Science Univ

Lancellotta, Melissa K. Associate Professor, Physics & Engineering
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Lang, Jillian R. Assistant Professor, Library
BS, Johnson & Wales University;
MLIS, Univ Rhode Island

Laurent, Marisa L. Assistant Professor, Fire Science
BS, MA.ED, MA.ED, Univ Rhode Island

Lavoie, Audra M. Assistant Professor, Dental Health/Hygiene
AS, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, Rhode Island College;
MA.ED, Univ Rhode Island

Leasher, Barbara A. Professor, Mathematics
PhD, MS, Univ Virginia;
BA, Bryn Mawr College

Leonard, Yvonne H. Professor, Art
BFA, West Virginia Univ Morgantown;
MFA, Univ Texas Austin*

LeVasseur, Marc G. Professor, English
AA, Umpqua Cmty College;
BA, Univ Minnesota Duluth;
MA, Rhode Island College

LeVasseur, Valerie M. Professor, Psychology
PhD, MA, Univ Connecticut;
BA, Coll Holy Cross

Levitre, Dina L. Associate Professor, English
BA, MA, Rhode Island College

Lima, Christine A. Associate Professor, Biology
BS, Univ Mass Amherst*;
MS, Worcester Poly Institute

Linton, Todd G. Associate Professor, Mathematics
BS, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park;
MA, San Diego State University

Liu, Cindy Associate Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, MA, Univ Buffalo;
BA, Guilford College

Long, Mandy C. Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
AA, Catawba Valley Cmty College;
BS, Westrn Carolina University;
MA, Georgia State University;
MA, Univ Connecticut

Lucas, Patricia N. Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Radiog
AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Rhode Island College;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Luther, Sarah M. Assistant Professor, Dental Health/Hygiene
AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
MS, Mass Coll Pharm Allied Hlt Sci

Lynch, Christine M. Assistant Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Occup Ther
MS, New England Institute Tech RI


Macaruso, Paul A. Professor, Psychology
PhD, Univ Connecticut;
BS, Brown University

MacDougall, Sheryl A. Professor, Business & Professional Std
BS, Bryant University;
JD, Pepperdine University

MacInnes, Maryhelen D. Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, MA, Brown University;
BA, Univ Pennsylvania Undrgrd Adm*

Martin, Leigh A. Professor, English
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, Rhode Island College

McColl, Jeanne S. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
BS, Rhode Island College;
MS, Univ Rhode Island

McCormack, Suzanne K. Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, MA, Boston College;
BA, Wheaton College Ma

McGovern, Helen J. Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, St Joseph College Ct;
MN, Univ Rhode Island

McGrath, Dave D. Assistant Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Resp Ther
AA, AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, MBA, Providence College

Melucci, Robert F. Professor, Mathematics
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island;
MS, Florida Institute Tech

Micheletti, Brenda Assistant Professor, English
BS, MA, Univ Rhode Island

Miller, James I. Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, Univ Chicago;
BA, Kalamazoo College;
MA, Indiana Univ Bloomington*

Moniz, Justin L. Associate Professor, Mathematics
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, Providence College

Montalbano, John W. Associate Professor, Business & Professional Std
BA, Boston College;
JD, St Johns University

Morgan, Charles D. Associate Professor, English
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island

Morgan, Inglish A. Associate Professor, Human Services
PhD, MS, Capella University;
BS, Morgan State University

Moritz, Sabine Assistant Professor, Biology
PhD, MS, Friedrich Schiller University

Mowry, John L. Professor, Computer Studies
BS, MS, Rhode Island College

Mroz, Ellen L. Professor, English
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, American University Dc;
MA, Rhode Island College

Mullaney, Jeanne P. Professor, World Languages & Cultures
BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island;
EDM, Rhode Island College

Murphy, Lisa A. Associate Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, St Anselm College;
MN, Univ Rhode Island

Murray, Maureen A. Associate Professor, Business & Professional Std
BS, Bryant University;
MBA, Univ Rhode Island

Murray, Steven D. Professor, Business & Professional Std
BA, JD, Boston College

Murtha, Colin J. Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, Ohio State Univ Columbus;
BA, Hunter College;
MA, New York University


Najarian, Dennis J. Professor, Social Sciences
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, MA, Rhode Island College

Nichols, Rachel H. Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BA, Marist College;
MA, Providence College


O'Neill, Daniel J. Associate Professor, Art
BFA, Rhode Island School Design;
MFA, Univ Pennsylvania Undrgrd Adm*

O'Rourke, Jennifer J. Assistant Professor, Communication & Media
BA, Rhode Island College;
MS, Syracuse University

O'Rourke, Karin L. Associate Professor, Nursing LPN
ASN, Cmty Coll Rhode Island Knight;
BSN, Rhode Island College;
MS, Univ Rhode Island

Omollo, Ann O. Professor, Chemistry
PhD, Miami Univ Oxford;
BS, Egerton University

Orabone, Joanne C. Professor, Business & Professional Std
BS, Bryant University;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Orellana, Walter O. Assistant Professor, Human Services
BS, Univ Rhode Island;
MSW, Rhode Island College

Orsinelli-Jordan, Melissa L. Assistant Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/DMSD
AS, Community C Rhode Island;
AS, BS, Johnson & Wales University;
MS, Univ Rhode Island


Panaccione, Carol A. Professor, World Languages & Cultures
BA, Providence College;
MA, Middlebury College;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Panoutsopoulos, Basile Associate Professor, Physics & Engineering
PhD, ME, ME, The Graduate Center, CUNY;
BS, MS, New Jersey Institute Tech

Pappola, Linda A. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BSN, Univ Rhode Island;
MSN, Walden University

Parker, Shawn G. Associate Professor, Art
BA, Univ Connecticut;
MA, Suny Binghamton

Parks, Amy B. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, Fitchburg St College;
MN, Univ Hawaii West Oahu

Parrillo, Denise F. Professor, English
BA, Rhode Island College;
MA, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park

Parys, Joseph H. Professor, Business & Professional Std
BA, Providence College;
JD, Southern NE School of Law

Patnaude, Carol A. Professor, Human Services
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, EDM, Rhode Island College

Paul, Frank L. Assistant Professor, Human Services
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BSW, MSW, Rhode Island College

Pelto, Wendy L. Professor, Physical Education
BS, Univ Bridgeport;
MS, Indiana St Univ Terre Haute*

Penta, Lisa C. Professor, Library
BA, Gordon College Ma;
MLIS, Univ Rhode Island

Petrin, Daniel T. Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
BS, MS, Oklahoma State Univ Stillwater

Petro, Allison N. Professor, English
BA, Harvard University;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Petrus, Amanda K. Assistant Professor, Chemistry
PhD, Syracuse University;
BS, Suny Coll Fredonia

Pezzillo, Maria L. Associate Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, Rhode Island College;
MSN, Univ Phoenix

Pezzillo, Robert C. Associate Professor, Business & Professional Std
AS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Rhode Island College;
MBA, Univ Phoenix

Phenix, Ashley K. Assistant Professor, Biology
BS, MS, Univ Vermont

Phillips, James D. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
AAS, ASN, Community C Rhode Island;
BSN, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Picraux, Laura B. Assistant Professor, Chemistry
PhD, Univ Calif Berkeley;
BA, Bryn Mawr College

Proffitt, Lisa M. Assistant Professor, Dental Health/Hygiene
AS, BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island


Rameika, Anne Marie Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, MN, Univ Rhode Island

Ratcliffe, Christopher W. Assistant Professor, Business & Professional Std
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, Rhode Island College;
MBA, Univ Rhode Island

Ravenscroft, Kelly A. Assistant Professor, Human Services
BA, BA, MSW, Rhode Island College

Read, Courtney C. Associate Professor, Human Services
BS, Univ Maine Orono;
MED, Johnson & Wales University

Renza, John S. Professor, Business & Professional Std
BS, Bryant University;
MBA, Providence College

Resendes, Julie L. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
BSN, MSN, Univ Mass Dartmouth

Rieger, Matthew M. Professor, Physics & Engineering
M PHIL, PhD, Yale University;
BS, Slippery Rock Univ Pa

Roberti, Cecile M. Professor, Business & Professional Std
BS, Bryant University;
MS, Bentley University

Robinson, Jody S. Professor, Physics & Engineering
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Rogers, Rachel A. Professor, Psychology
PhD, MA, MS, Univ New Hampshire Durham;
BA, Auburn Univ Auburn Univ

Rood, John J. Professor, Nursing LPN
ASN, Springfield Tech Cmty College;
BA, Univ Mass Dartmouth;
BSN, MN, Univ Mass Amherst*

Rowey, Carol A. Professor, Business & Professional Std
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, Boston College;
MBA, Bryant University

Ruggieri, Sasha N. Professor, English
AA, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Nova Southeastern Univ;
MA, Salve Regina University

Ryan, Laura J. Professor, Library
BA, Univ Alaska Anchorage;
MLS, Univ Rhode Island


Salisbury, James F. Associate Professor, Library
BA, Rhode Island College;
MLS, Univ Rhode Island

Salisbury, Kevin S. Assistant Professor, Psychology
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Salvatore, Marilyn Associate Professor, Performing Arts
BFA, Univ Rhode Island;
MFA, Univ Illinois Urbana*

Santoro, Gina A. Professor, English
BA, Rhode Island College;
MAE, Providence College;
MFA, Goddard College

Saris-Baglama, Renee N. Associate Professor, Psychology
PhD, BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island

Scally, Donna T. Professor, Nursing LPN
BSN, Univ Rhode Island;
MN, Univ Phoenix

Scally, Keith J. Professor, Nursing ADN
ASN, Cmty Coll Rhode Island Knight;
BSN, Salve Regina University;
MSN, St Josephs College Me

Schmitz, Janice I. Associate Professor, Dental Health/Hygiene
AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, MS, Univ Bridgeport

Schrank, Aaron M. Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BS, Roger Williams University;
MAT, Providence College

Shannon, Rebecca L. Assistant Professor, English
BA, EDM, MAT, Rhode Island College

Sherman, Laurie Professor, English
BA, Providence College;
MAT, Boston College

Silva, Joseph M. Assistant Professor, Art
PhD, Brown University;
BA, Wheaton College Ma;
MA, Syracuse University

Simpson, Craig A. Assistant Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/Physi Ther
BS, Norwich University;
MS, Univ Rhode Island

Sneesby, Sandra L. Professor, Communication & Media
BS, Rhode Island College;
MA, MFA, Emerson College

Snowe, Alyson Assistant Professor, English
PhD, Univ Rhode Island;
BA, Eastern Connecticut St Univ;
MAT, Sacred Heart University

Soffientino, Bruno Associate Professor, Biology
PhD, BS, Univ Rhode Island

Soter, Melanie C. Associate Professor, Library
BA, Clark University;
MLS, Simmons College

St. Jean, Kimberley A. Associate Professor, English
AS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, MED, Rhode Island College;
MED, Providence College

St. Pierre, Debra J. Professor, Allied/Rehab Health/MLT
BS, Rhode Island College;
MS, Calif Coll Technology

St. Pierre, Kerry L. Assistant Professor, Nursing LPN
BSN, Univ Mass Dartmouth;
MBA, Johnson & Wales University

Staviskiy, Svetlana Assistant Professor, Mathematics
MS, Lomonsov Moscow St. Univ

Stewart, Timothy M. Associate Professor, English
BA, Suny Center Albany;
MA, Portland State University

Stockford, Jason A. Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BA, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Stone, Nancy E. Professor, Nursing ADN
PhD, MS, Univ Mass Boston;
BSN, Anna Maria College

Suits, Wayne A. Professor, Chemistry
BA, Rhode Island College;
MS, Brandeis University

Sullivan, Cynthia J. Associate Professor, Nursing LPN
BSN, MSN, Univ Mass Dartmouth

Susi, Holly J. Professor, Communication & Media
AS, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, MA, Rhode Island College;
MA, Univ Rhode Island

Sutherland, Luke J. Professor, Performing Arts
BA, MFA, Rhode Island College

Swithers, Kristen S. Associate Professor, Biology
PhD, BS, MS, Univ Connecticut


Tavares Proulx, Rosemarie Instructor, Allied/Rehab Health/Histology
BA, Rhode Island College

Tennant, David M. Associate Professor, English
BA, Univ Calif San Diego;
MA, Boston College

Thibeault, Christopher J. Associate Professor, Computer Studies
BA, BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Townsend, Heather M. Professor, Biology
PhD, MS, Univ Florida;
BS, Univ Rhode Island

Traficante, Regina M. Professor, Psychology
PhD, CAGS, Salve Regina University;
BA, Univ Rhode Island;
MA, Rhode Island College

Trainor, Kira L. Professor, English
BA, MAT, Rhode Island College

Tsangarakis, Manny Assistant Professor, Physics & Engineering
BS, Univ Miami;
MSEE, Univ Rhode Island

Tullie, Joan E. Associate Professor, Nursing LPN
ASN, Community C Rhode Island;
BSN, Salve Regina University;
MS, Fitchburg St College

Turchetta, Louis W. Assistant Professor, Psychology
BA, Rhode Island College;
MAT, Roger Williams University;
MED, Providence College

Turenius-Bell, Christine I. Associate Professor, Biology
PhD, Univ Calif Riverside;
BS, MS, Tulane University;
MA, Univ Texas San Antonio

Tyler, Gaines A. Assistant Professor, Biology
PhD, BS, Univ Connecticut;
AS, Santa Rosa Jr College


Ulricksen, Matthew S. Associate Professor, Social Sciences
BA, MA, Providence College;
MA, Univ Rhode Island


Valicenti, Soudabeh Professor, Mathematics
PhD, BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Vanner, Amanda M. Associate Professor, Psychology
BA, MA, Rhode Island College

Verdi, Genevieve R. Associate Professor, Psychology
PhD, Univ Rhode Island;
BA, Univ Vermont;
MED, Seton Hall University

Viera, Aubrie M. Assistant Professor, Dental Health/Dental Assist
AAS, Community C Rhode Island;
BS, Univ New England;
MED, Rhode Island College

Villarica, Gina Lyn L. Assistant Professor, Nursing LPN
BS, Brokenshire College;
MA, Ateneo de Davao Univ;
MA, Silliman Universiy

Vitale, Bill M. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
AS, Cmty Coll Rhode Island Knight;
BS, Rhode Island College;
BSBA, Northestrn University;
MSN, Simmons College

Vito, David R. Assistant Professor, Biology
AS, Community C Rhode Island;
BA, MA, Rhode Island College

Vouros, Tyler C. Assistant Professor, Art
AFA, Greenfield Cmty College;
BFA, Univ Mass Amherst*;
MFA, NY Academy of Arts


Wachira, Stevenson N. Assistant Professor, Computer Studies
BS, Univ District Of Columbia;
MS, Virginia Polytech Inst St U

Walsh, Evelyn M. Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BS, Univ Rhode Island;
MAT, Rhode Island College

Wang, Justin J. Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
PhD, Lehigh University;
BS, MBA, San Francisco State University

Warila, Scott Professor, Biology
BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island

Warren, JoAnn Professor, Business & Professional Std
BA, MAE, Rhode Island College;
CAGS, Univ Connecticut

Whitaker, Melanie L. Assistant Professor, Nursing ADN
ASN, New Hampshire Cmty Tech C Clrm;
BSN, Rivier College;
MS, Norwich University

White, Paul D. Professor, Physics & Engineering
PhD, Louisiana St Univ Alexandria;
BS, Acadia University;
MS, Univ Rhode Island

Wilhelmsen, Krista L. Assistant Professor, Performing Arts
BM, Millikin University;
MM, Univ South Carolina Columbia*

Wilkinson, Kenneth P. Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BA, Suny Coll New Paltz;
MS, Univ Rhode Island


Yang, Rongfang Assistant Professor, Chemistry
PhD, Univ New Hampshire Durham;
BS, Lanzhou University

Younkin, Robyn A. Professor, English
BA, Rhode Island College;
MA, Univ New Hampshire Durham


Zellers, Mark A. Professor, Art
BA, Univ Wisc Superior;
MFA, Univ Mass Dartmouth

Zoto, Christopher A. Associate Professor, Chemistry
PhD, Worcester Poly Institute;
BA, Assumption College