Dental Hygiene (DHYG)

DHYG 1010  - Dental and Oral Anatomy  
(3 Credits)  
This course is a study of the structure and function of the mouth, teeth, head and neck.

Lecture: 3 hours, Lab: 0 hours
DHYG 1020  - Dental Hygiene I  
(3 Credits)  
This course introduces students to the fundamental skills and procedures in dental hygiene practice.

Lecture: 3 hours
DHYG 1030  - Clinical Dental Hygiene I  
(2 Credits)  
This course provides an opportunity for students to apply the principles studied in DHYG 1020 in the pre-clinical setting. Students work with mannequins and laboratory partners.

Lab: 6 hours
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 1020 (may be taken concurrently)
DHYG 1040  - Oral Embryology and Histology  
(2 Credits)  
This course involves the study of the development, microscopic structure and function of oral and facial tissues.

Lecture: 2 hours
DHYG 1050  - Dental Hygiene II  
(3 Credits)  
A continuation of the principles of DENT 1020, this course covers the philosophy of prevention, concepts of health and wellness, the dental hygiene treatment plan oral infection control, sealants and fluorides. Emphasis is on communication skills, patient management and development and implementation of educational strategies.

Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 1020 and DHYG 1030
DHYG 1060  - Clinical Dental Hygiene II  
(3 Credits)  
This course continues application of the principles and skills learned in DHYG 1020 and DHYG 1030 as well as new material learned in DHYG 1050 including patient education and management.

Other: 9 hours
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 1030
DHYG 2010  - Pathology  
(2 Credits)  
This course is an examination of general and oral diseases. Content includes etiologic agents, tissue response to injury, immunopathology, neoplasia, cardiovascular disease, general diseases with oral manifestations and oral pathology. Consideration is given to specific conditions of importance to oral assessment and care.

Lecture: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): (BIOL 1020 or BIOL 2202) and DHYG 1040
DHYG 2020  - Dental Hygiene III  
(3 Credits)  
This course continues to expand on the principles of dental hygiene practice. Topics include service to patients with special needs and nutrition, including nutritional counseling.

Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 1050 and DHYG 1060
DHYG 2030  - Clinical Dental Hygiene III  
(4 Credits)  
This course continues the application of the principles and skills practiced in DHYG 1030, 1060 and introduces new clinical dental hygiene skills during patient treatment. Students will learn to perform safe, effective and proper techniques of intraoral pain control utilizing local anesthetic administration on a student partner and clinic patients. Course pre-work begins in the summer session.

Other: 12 hours
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 1030 and DHYG 1060 and DHYG 2090
DHYG 2040  - Community Dental Health I  
(2 Credits)  
This course introduces students to the principles of dental hygiene practice in the community setting. Content includes financing and delivery of care, cultural diversity, education of groups, program planning and evaluation and management of the evidence base for dental hygiene practice.

Other: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2010 and DHYG 1060
DHYG 2045  - Community Dental Health II^  
(1 Credit)  
This course allows students to apply principles of dental hygiene practice through a supervised externship in a community dental health facility.

Other: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 1010 or DHYG 2020 or DHYG 2030
DHYG 2050  - Periodontics^  
(3 Credits)  
This course involves an intensive study of the periodontium as it relates to dental hygiene practice. Content includes epidemiology and pathogens of periodontal disease, assessment of periodontal status, current therapeutic intervention and strategies for maintenance of the periodontal patient.

Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1020 or BIOL 2210
DHYG 2060  - Dental Hygiene IV^  
(2 Credits)  
This course continues to expand on principles of dental hygiene practice. Content includes legal and ethical issues, dental specialties and entering the professional work force.

Lecture: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 2020 and DHYG 2030
DHYG 2070  - Clinical Dental Hygiene IV  
(5 Credits)  
This course allows students to continue to apply the principles and skills practiced in DHYG 1030, 1060, 2030. Integration of dental hygiene procedures including but not limited to Nitrous Oxide Administration to complete dental hygiene services is covered.

Other: 15 hours
Prerequisite(s): DHYG 1030 and DHYG 1060 and DHYG 2030
DHYG 2090  - Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist  
(3 Credits)  
This course is a study of the principles of pharmacology as they relate to oral health care. Content includes indications and contraindications for use, pharmacological effects, adverse reactions and interaction of drugs. Special consideration is given to drugs commonly used in dentistry, as well as oral implications of drugs.

Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): (BIOL 1020 and DHYG 1020) or (BIOL 2201 and BIOL 2202 and DHYG 1020)